Article |
Article name |
Morphological Features of Annuals in the Boraginaceae Family on the Example of the Genus Myosotis L. |
Authors |
Nikiforova O.D. Doctor of Biology, Leading Researcher,, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Botany |
582.948 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The Genus Myosotis s. str. has more than 100 species, one-third of which are annuals, the species diversity occurs in the Mediterranean.
We discuss the morphological characteristics of annual species of the genus Myosotis. It has been revealed that the annual species show hypertrophied, coupled symptoms characteristic of the ancestral Paleogene genera Trigonotis Stev. and Exarrhena R. Br. The most fundamental tenets of M. G. Popov’s theory about hybrid origin of taxa Boraginaceae family and somatic reduction of the body are affirmed. In annuals a decrease (reduction) of the size of the flower and its parts (corolla, anthers and fornices), as well as the size of erems take place. In the annual species pollen grains are larger, and the restriction in the area of equator is weaker, the greatest variety of types of pollen grains is observed in annual species of section Discolores. It turned out that annual and biennial species of sections of the genus Myosotis are polyploid and perennials are mostly diploid species.
The annual species of the sections of Myosotis and Stoloniferae have hypertrophied signs of East Asian-Himalayan genus Trigonotis, sections Sylvaticae and Discolores have signs of Australian-New Zealand genus Exarrhena, which shows the hybrid nature of the genus Myosotis and its sections.
Key words |
annual species, genus Myosotis, family Boraginaceae, somatic reduction. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Morphological Features of Annuals in the Boraginaceae Family on the Example of the Genus Myosotis L. |