Article |
Article name |
Art Pedagogy and Art Therapy: to the Question of Delimitation of the Concepts |
Authors |
Sergeeva N.Y. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Sergeeva N. Yu. Art Pedagogy and Art Therapy: to the Question of Delimitation of the Concepts // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 69–75. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-69-75. |
Section |
37.013.8 |
10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-69-75 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The purpose of the article is to distinguish between the content of the terms “art pedagogy” and “art therapy” and justify the introduction of the concept of “art pedagogy” into scientific use as the modern trend of pedagogical science studying patterns, mechanisms, principles, means of incorporating the rules of art in the educational context solutions for professional and pedagogical problems. We use the following methods: a) comparative analysis of terminological phrases that features practice; b) analysis of the publications of contemporary authors, reflecting the diversity of interpretations in the scientific interpretation of these concepts; c) reflection of the author’s experience of art teaching and research activities. The author’s position is based on the belief that art pedagogy has an independent scientific status today and cannot be an analogue or replacement of the term “art therapy”. Tasks of art pedagogy as a scientific field and the function of art and educational activities differ significantly from the objectives of arts education, aesthetic education and art therapy. In order to clarify the specifics of art pedagogy and art therapy, the article gives a comparative table of the hallmarks of the following parameters: area of scientific knowledge, complex professional problems, the purpose of art facilities, the specificity of training. The article highlighted the complex model of pedagogical problems, which are solved by means of art in art-pedagogical process. As illustrations are examples of practices that show the difference between the special purpose funds of art used in the practice of professionals in the field of art therapy, art education and art pedagogy.
Key words |
art pedagogy, art therapy, art-pedagogical activity, art, education through art |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Art Pedagogy and Art Therapy: to the Question of Delimitation of the Concepts |