Article |
Article name |
Study of Women’s Values Being in Hospital Owing to the Maintenance of Pregnancy and Postpartum Women in the Postpartum Unit |
Authors |
Lushina E. . Assistant, |
Bibliographic description |
Lushina E. A. Study of Women’s Values Being in Hospital Owing to the Maintenance of Pregnancy and Postpartum Women in the Postpartum Unit // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 98–105. |
Section |
General and Social Psychology |
618.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article examines the concept of values, system of values in modern society. We identified differences between “Female” and “Male” value system, analyzed the influence of society and socio-economic conditions in the country at women’s hierarchy of values. The article analyzes various approaches to the study of women’s values and also psychology of pregnancy and motherhood from the standpoint of women. The effect of values on psychological readiness for motherhood was also studied and an empirical study of the hierarchy of values of women who are in the hospital because of the maintenance of pregnancy and postpartum women in the postpartum unit was conducted. The purpose of this article is to highlight the urgency of the problem of studying the psychological characteristics of mothers and influence of women’s values on the readiness to motherhood, to determine what barriers stand in the way of women to self-realization in society. The study has revealed what personal values prevail over the others and what place in the hierarchy of values of modern women motherhood has. We confirm the research hypothesis that postpartum women will have the shift of values in the direction of humanity, existence, family.
Key words |
life values, pregnancy, puerperants, women, motherhood, value orientations |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Study of Women’s Values Being in Hospital Owing to the Maintenance of Pregnancy and Postpartum Women in the Postpartum Unit |