Article name Organization of Professional Orientation Work with Students with Disabilities in Senior High School and Institution of Vocational Education
Authors Zvoleyko, E.V. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Zvoleyko E. V. Organization of Professional Orientation Work with Students with Disabilities in Senior High School and Institution of Vocational Education // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 143–149. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-143-149.
UDK 37
DOI 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-143-149
Article type
Annotation With the increase in the number of people with disabilities in comprehensive schools and vocational education institutions, this category of students can and should participate in career guidance events conducted by these organizations. While studying in senior grades of comprehensive schools, students with disabilities are fully included in the educational process, in which the work on professional orientation of pupils is planned, organized and carried out as an integral part of it. Prospects of vocational training for persons with disabilities depend not only on the quality obtained in school, severity of violation, influence of the nearest social environment but also on readiness of schools to build quality system of professional orientation work with this category of pupils, availability of vocational education to the inclusion of such students into the educational stream. In modern schools the career guidance is conducted in the framework of the pre-profile and subject oriented instruction. The purpose of this article is to show the peculiarities of conducting of professional orientation work with pupils with disabilities within the framework of pre-profile and subject oriented training, to define perspective directions of activity of institutions of professional education in order to optimize their professional identity.
Key words students with disabilities, professional orientation, pre-profile training, subject oriented training
Article information
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Full articleOrganization of Professional Orientation Work with Students with Disabilities in Senior High School and Institution of Vocational Education