Article name The Specifics of Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Reproduction of Social Qualities of the Population
Authors Zakharova Y.Y. Candidate of Philosophy, Associate professor,
Zasukhina V.N. Сandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Gordeeva N. . Specialist of the Department of Organizational Work, Research Department,
Bibliographic description Zakharova E. Yu., Zasukhina V. N., Gordeeva N. S. The Specifics of Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Reproduction of Social Qualities of the Population // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 6–14. DOI: 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-6-14.
UDK 101.1::316
DOI 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-6-14
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the specifics of socio-philosophical analysis of the reproduction of social qualities of the population that identifies the essential characteristics, reveals the nature of social qualities, and justifies the relevance of ontological context of the current state of social reproduction qualities of the population in modern society. The paper reveals in what way social and philosophical study of social reproduction qualities of the population differs from the demographic and sociological ones. The study attempted to give the definition of the term “reproduction of social qualities of the population” as the process of creation and the resumption of production of a set of interrelated and interacting socially-defined characteristics of the person or social groups. The process of reproduction of social qualities of the population provides a socio-cultural continuity in a society characterized by volatility, cycles and relative stability. The reproduction of the social qualities of the population and its natural reproduction are parts of a single process of reproduction, which is not only a set of processes of fertility, mortality and migration, but also the formation, preservation, restoration, broadcast intergenerational accumulated socio-cultural experience, knowledge, values, etc.
Key words population, reproduction of social qualities, the reproduction of the population, social and philosophical analysis, demography, sociology
Article information
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