Article |
Article name |
Mythmaking as a Semiotic Element of Discourse about China in Transbaikal Region: Theoretical Aspects |
Authors |
Kononov S.V. Doctoral Candidate, |
Bibliographic description |
Kononov S. V. Mythmaking as a Semiotic Element of Discourse about China in Transbaikal Region: Theoretical Aspects // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 110–118. |
Section |
159.9.016 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In the article the author has attempted to study theoretical positions concerning the formation features and structure of the mythological discourse about China in the Russian-Chinese transboundary area. The author analyzes the mythological space of Transbaikal region included in the transboundary area, which is an area where the processes of cultural and ideological interaction between peoples having different mentality are developed. The reason for the spread of a significant number of mythological images of China on the territory of Transbaikal region, according to the author, is belonging to Russia with its focus on the culture and language of Europe and close location to China, economic and cultural influence of which in the Central Asia is predominant. As the author proves, this leads the population of Transbaikalia not only to a number of cultural borrowings, but is also a formation factor of a special mythological space differing from the all-Russian one by the presence of verbalized, emotional and value-coloured mythmaking related with China. According to the author, another factor of mythologizing perceptions about China in the transboundary area is aspiration of “non-Chinese” people who are in contact with the Chinese, to understand their identity, understood as an “Own” and approve distinction from the neighbors, understood as “Strangers”. The third reason is that China has a specific culture, imparting a particular mythological character to phenomena, which owe their origin to China. The variety and originality of Chinese culture is one of the factors that affect the consideration that the mythological images of China are widely spread through the territory of Transbaikal region. As a part of the proposed approach, “China” is the thinking construct that describes the mental unit, which is not the Chinese government but has features that are associated by the population of Transbaikalia with China.
Key words |
myth-making, discourse about China, Russian-Chinese transboundedness, Transbaikal region, mythological images, myths about China, “non-Chinese” population |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Mythmaking as a Semiotic Element of Discourse about China in Transbaikal Region: Theoretical Aspects |