Article |
Article name |
Statistical Comparison of Time Budget of Students from Various Universities |
Authors |
Romanova , I.V. Candidate of Sociology, rik@ chitgu.ruBabello A.V. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Romanova I. V., Babello A. V. Statistical Comparison of Time Budget of Students from Various Universities // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 189–194. |
Section |
316.346.32 |
Article type |
Annotation |
It is shown that the distribution of time budget of the representatives of various social groups is an important indicator of their life conditions; the ways of its organization, i. e. the factors which are described by the concept “lifestyle”. This factor acquires a particular urgency for student youth as this social group has not gained yet the ways of the time budget rationalization because of its age and other features. An attempt of statistical analysis of students’ budget structure of time (the main task of the statistics of the time budget of population) is made. This problem is solved by forming various kinds of groups and calculation of the known statistical indexes: average and standard linear structural differences. The efficiency of the integral coefficient of structural differences of A. Salai to detect differences in the time budget of students of different universities and courses of study is proved. As the information base the results of sociological researches, conducted with the students of the Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management (NSUEM), the National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), Transbaikal State University and Technical Institute, affiliate of the FSAEI VPO “North – Eastern Federal University” are used. Statistical comparison of the time budget of students from various universities is conducted on the integrated budget items: education (including the time spent on independent work), leisure (without dividing it into different kinds), work (total in the weekly budget), the way to and from schools and sleep. Quite noticeable differences in the students’ time budgets of the central and peripheral universities are revealed. They are proved by the contribution of the articles “work” (the students of Transbaikal State University work much more) and “way” (here the situation is reversed). The identifying of differences in the budgets of time of the 3rd and 5th – year students has not showed any significant difference in three high schools. All of them fit into a gradation “small”.
Key words |
budget of time, social group, integrated coefficient of structural differences of A. Salai |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Statistical Comparison of Time Budget of Students from Various Universities |