Article |
Article name |
Self-Activity Managing of the Future Pre-School Education Teachers |
Authors |
Lysikova T.S. Senior Lecturer, |
Bibliographic description |
Lysikova T. S. Self-Activity Managing of the Future Pre-School Education Teachers // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 53–60. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-53-60. |
Section |
378.146 |
10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-53-60 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The issue of organization of independent activity of the university is not completely new and well understood, but in the light of changes in the contemporary higher education related to Russia’s accession to the Bologna process, which is aimed at a gradual transition to self-education in higher school, as well as changes in the Federal Government educational standards of higher education it is necessary to revise approaches to the management of independent students’ activity. The article deals with the essence of “self-activity” concept at the student-teacher level, reveals the problems of organization of the future pre-school education teachers’ independent activity. The author refers to the consideration of new forms of the independent activity organization, one of which is educational and professional goals. The organization of independent activity principles on an example of educational and professional objectives are substantiated, the materials of practical work in the field of self-employment while studying “Workshop on the development of mathematical concepts in preschool children” discipline are proposed in the article. The study highlighted the dignity of educational and professional objectives to optimize the advantages of students’ independent activity. The author presents the developed individual evaluation sheet, describes the experience of its use in the educational process.
Key words |
higher education, students’ independent activity, educational and professional task |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Self-Activity Managing of the Future Pre-School Education Teachers |