Article name On the Prevention of Negative Consequences in the Development of Motherhood in Parturients with Preterm Delivery in the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Therapy of Newborns
Authors Lushina E. . Assistant,
Bibliographic description Lushina E. A. On the Prevention of Negative Consequences in the Development of Motherhood in Parturients with Preterm Delivery in the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Therapy of Newborns // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 5. PP. 115–121. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-115-121.
UDK 159.942:618
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2016-11-5-115-121
Article type
Annotation This article examines the factors that have a negative impact on the emotional state, the establishment of motherhood in women who gave birth prematurely in the hospital on the example of intensive care unit and neonatal intensive care. Also we included various indicators of scientific research in the field of neonatology, resuscitation, and further psycho-pedagogical support of a premature baby. We presented research data on emotional state of mothers of premature infants, the emotional state of mothers of premature infants in terms of the pathology of newborns. The study describes the results of a research on interaction in the dyad “mother-child”, using the method of participant observation in typical situations of mother’s visit of her child in the intensive care unit of a hospital. We presented the experience of the Department of resuscitation and intensive therapy of newborns of the Trans-Baikal regional perinatal center for the prevention of deprived motherhood in the absence of opportunities for joint stay of mother and preterm infant. The study proposed preventive measures practiced in the work of the staff of the Department of resuscitation and intensive therapy aimed at prevention of negative consequences in the development of motherhood in postpartum women with premature delivery, aimed at the development of the relationship between mother and child, preserving the mental health of a woman, her personal and labor potential, preservation of the family as a unit of society.
Key words mental development, infant, premature infant, mental development, the system “mother-child”, interaction with adults
Article information
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Full articleOn the Prevention of Negative Consequences in the Development of Motherhood in Parturients with Preterm Delivery in the Department of Resuscitation and Intensive Therapy of Newborns