Article |
Article name |
Regulatory Universal Learning Activities Development of Schoolchildren: the State, Perspectives |
Authors |
Antoshkina A.A. Postgraduate Student,, |
Bibliographic description |
Antoshkina A. A. Regulatory Universal Learning Activities Development of Schoolchildren: the State, Perspectives // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 100–106. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). |
Section |
373 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the development of the regulatory learning activities of the schoolchildren by means of the diagnostic test analysis. The aim of the diagnostic test was to define whether the pupils are able to set the goals of their activity, to plan it, to estimate the results of this or that activity in accordance with the set criteria and to improve the results of such activity. The analysis of the performed diagnostics makes actual the perspectives for the further investigations which involve the approbation of the worked out program consisting in the development of the regulatory universal learning activities of the 6th form pupils. The diagnostics was performed at the lessons of Russian with the text manipulation working in two ways: by portraying for the pupils the regulatory universal learning activities and teaching them. This is the peculiarity of the program developed. In conclusion the author of the article points to the necessity of developing the regulatory universal learning activities of the school children as related to each other, determines the ways of work according to this program which consists of three sections: knowledge system of the methods of the regulatory activities, regulatory abilities system at different stages of the text manipulation at the
lessons of Russian, tasks system focused on the development of the regulatory universal learning activities of the
goal setting, planning, self-assessment and self-correction.
Key words |
Federal state educational standards for secondary education, regulatory universal learning activities
(goal setting, planning, self-assessment, self-correction), textual activity, reflection |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Regulatory Universal Learning Activities Development of Schoolchildren: the State, Perspectives |