Article name About Naturalization of Hippophaё rhamnoides L. in the Surroundings of Blagoveshchensk (Amur Oblast)
Authors Starchenko V.M. Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor, chief of the Laboratory of Botany, Botanical Garden-Institute,
Timchenko N.A. Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor,
Bobenko V.F. Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Starchenko V. M., Timchenko N. A., Bobenko V. F. About Naturalization of Hippophaё rhamnoides L. in the Surroundings of Blagoveshchensk (Amur Oblast) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 114–120.
Section Botany
UDK 581.5 (571.6)
Article type
Annotation Brief general description of Hippophaё rhamnoides and the information about the appearance and naturalization of this species in the Amur region, including the neighborhood of Blagoveshchensk, are given. This species is most actively naturalized in disturbed areas, which are characterized by weakened interspecific competition, high insolation, increased soil salinity, and (often) the presence of various bodies of water. Species composition of plants in the bushes of Hippophaё rhamnoides and little distance from them is discussed in detail. The List of 93 species of vascular plants (including 11 adventitious) from 32 families and 72 genera is given. The families Asteraceae (18c.), Rosaceae (13c.), Fabaceae (10b) occupy the first three places on the number of species. Most genera Artemisia (4c), Salix (4c), Equisetum (3c), Calamagrostis (3c), Potentilla (3c) are the largest in number. Ecological and coenotic analysis revealed a predominance of forest, meadow and riparian species with prominent part of the species of steppe floristic complex. These habitats are close on a number of features to the natural habitat of this species, but distinct the high percent of East Asian species in neighborhood of Blagoveshchensk.
Key words sea-buckthorn, plant invasion, Far East of Russia, ecological and geographical analysis, floral aspect
Article information
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Full articleAbout Naturalization of Hippophaё rhamnoides L. in the Surroundings of Blagoveshchensk (Amur Oblast)