Article name The Practice of Psychological Assistance within the Bounds of Socio-Psychological Training to Students with Disabilities
Authors Zaborina L.G. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Zaborina L. G. The Practice of Psychological Assistance within the Bounds of Socio-Psychological Training to Students with Disabilities // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 41–46.
UDK 159.922
Article type
Annotation The article gives some analysis of modern theoretical material devoted to the personal characteristics of young people with disabilities and describes the practical experience of working with students with disabilities during learning process at the university. Theoretical part of the article shows that most individuals with disabilities have such psychological characteristics as difficulties with interaction and communication, low or inflated self-esteem. They have reduced background mood most of the time and are characterized by pessimism, the increased level of anxiety, immaturity, tendency to dramatization of events. People with disabilities peculiar fixity of attention on inner feelings, hypochondriasis. They prone to flashes of irritability. Practical part of the material describes the results of observation of students with disabilities who participated in the social-psychological training (SPT). The dynamics of their condition on participation in the socio-psychological training is described in the examples. It is shown that participation in SPT contributes to better adaptation of students with disabilities in higher education, personal development and correction of negative conditions. The article shows the advantages of working in training as a special form of work. The role of the coach in SPT and his/her impact on students with disabilities is also described. Keywords: disabilities, socio-psychological training, personal characteristics, personal development, correction
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Full articleThe Practice of Psychological Assistance within the Bounds of Socio-Psychological Training to Students with Disabilities