Article name Inner Motivation as a Condition of Professional Self-education of the Teacher of Preschool Educational Organizations
Authors Kazantsevа A. . Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Kazantsevа A. A. Inner Motivation as a Condition of Professional Self-Education of the Teacher of Preschool Educational Organizations // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 52–59. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-52-59.
UDK 374
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-52-59
Article type
Annotation The purpose of the article is to define the role of inner motivation in the structure of the professional competence of a teacher in the aspect of self-education. In this context, the article is devoted to the issues connected with different aspects of inner motivation of a teacher of a preschool educational organization. The meaning of the term “self-education” is defined in the article, the connection between inner motivation and the process of self-education of the teacher is observed. Motivation is studied as a complex of motives, that define the content and the nature of the activity of a person. Motivation in a definite way influences the person’s behavior, and in its turn may be changed under the influence of a human activity, his needs, life goals and the level of his requirements. The author of the article defines that external motivation is regulated from the outside, and through inner causativity this motivation does not stimulate the professional self-development of a teacher who acts under the clampdown. It leads to the professional self-destruction and a person’s deformation. The necessity of a person to have inner prosperity, inner harmony, opportunity to have self-development is realized with the help of inner motivation. This motivation realizes the educational necessity of a teacher and more over, it is very important for him. It is stated that inner professional motives and the motives for the personal realization are the most important in the teacher’s activity. They stimulate the intention to search new innovational ideas, methods and ways to self-development. The inner type of a teacher’s motivation is connected with self-esteem as a professional and activate the personal self- development. The author holds to the point that self-development of a teacher is an educational activity that is important both professionally and personally, and regulated by the teacher. What is more, this activity is characterized by a personal sense and turns set goals to the inner requirements of a person. Reflection and conclusion of the author about the interrelation and the interdependence of the inner motivation of a teacher and his personal development may be used in an educational practice of preschool educational organizations, and also at seminars, pedagogical messengers, pedagogical discussions that are devoted to the problem of professional self- development.
Key words motive, motivation, inner motivation, self-development, self-actualization, preschool educational organization
Article information
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Full articleInner Motivation as a Condition of Professional Self-education of the Teacher of Preschool Educational Organizations