Article name Factors of Diaspora Development in the Globalizing World
Authors Fokanov Y.V. Lecturer,
Bibliographic description Fokanov Yu. V. Factors of Diaspora Development in the Globalizing World // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 41–45.
UDK 101.1:316
Article type
Annotation The objective side of modern society functioning is represented by the processes, the totality of which has become known as globalization. In view of this, a truly topical problem falling into the field of social philosophy, one way or another, concerns globalization, which in its turn is not very unambiguous, both in practice and in scientific discussions. Globalization is a natural process at the present stage of historical development. It is within this process that migration flows intensify and the nature of socio-economic interaction changes. The complexity and ambiguity of the processes of globalization, the breadth of the problems created by them, form very diverse views and approaches. The author makes an attempt to conceptualize the grounds which form the diaspora subject as a social phenomenon. Diaspora is a large group of the population of a certain ethnic or religious affiliation that lives in a country or an area of new resettlement. The article presents the analysis of the concepts that extend the traditional definition of diaspora, found in the works of V. Tishkov, V. Dyatlov, A. Militarev. In the study of diaspora, it is necessary to take into account, first of all, the fact that ethnicity forms the basis for the formation of such a community, therefore, the issues, connected with the existence of diaspora, can be only solved with a true understanding of the essence of ethnos and ethnicity.
Key words globalization, diaspora, ethnicity, identity, social adaptation
Article information
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Full articleFactors of Diaspora Development in the Globalizing World