Article |
Article name |
Sociological information in the Management of Youth Policy |
Authors |
Shapieva A.V. Senior Teacher, |
Bibliographic description |
Shapieva A. V. Sociological information in the Management of Youth Policy // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 135–140. DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-135-140. |
Section |
316.3 |
10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-135-140 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Obtaining operational information about the state of the public administration system, as well as external environment in relation to it, is usually called feedback information. Ideas about the current situation and development tendencies of both the managed system as a whole and its individual components allow obtaining the data collected within the feedback information on the basis of which it is possible to monitor management decisions. A qualitative and objective element of feedback information in the management system is the sociological data obtained during the empirical study. However, a variety of methods for obtaining sociological information does not find proper application in measuring the performance indicators of the administrative activities of state bodies. On the example of the sphere of state youth policy, the author proves the need to apply sociological information in the process of public administration. According to the author, it contributes to the development of both the sphere as a whole and its individual elements, in particular: the implementation of analysis of social reality for a particular generation of young people; forecasting the development of the situation for young people in various spheres of their life; control of managerial decisions taken by the state bodies, etc. The author points out the contradictions in the present practice of evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of managerial activity of staffing in the sphere of state youth policy, and suggests some adjustments, in accordance with the new demands of society. The author also describes the perspectives of sociological support for regional managerial activity of specialists in youth policy that contribute to building an effective system of youth policy management.
Key words |
sociological support of administrative activity, national youth policy, sociological information, youth |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Sociological information in the Management of Youth Policy |