Article name Sociocultural Determinants of the Quality of Life
Authors Shchetkina I.A. Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Shchetkina I. A. Sociocultural Determinants of the Quality of Life // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 182–188. DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-182-188.
UDK 304
DOI 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-182-188
Article type
Annotation The growing interest in the study of the quality of life problem is due to a change in the orientations of the civilization development, increased attention to the needs of people, the formation of a consumption type that includes cultural goods. Culture in modern society is the determining condition for the realization of human needs. To analyze the place of culture in the concept of the quality of life, social cognition uses the results of the studies of the axiosphere of culture as a system of views reflecting the vital interests of the human community, which in turn act as the basis of social life. Value relations and relationships determine the characteristics of the sociocultural development of society and serve as the basis for human activities to ensure the life quality. The article reveals the axiological aspect of life quality, emphasizes the connection between the quality of life and spirituality, and determines its cultural components. The article attempts to determine the axiosphere role of the quality of life in modern society. The author characterizes cultural universals that determine the quality of human life, allowing to satisfy biological, psychological and social needs. The consideration of the sociocultural determinants of the quality of life is of practical importance, since it allows us to search for and implement innovative mechanisms for ensuring the quality of life. In modern society, culture is an important mechanism of human interaction, contributing to the provision of a certain life quality, preserving the unity and integrity of the community.
Key words quality of life, culture, axiosphere of culture, values, human needs
Article information
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