Article |
Article name |
Future Teachers’ Training for the Realization of Students’ Spiritual and Moral Upbringing on the Basis of Patriotic Traditions |
Authors |
Naumova, O.S. Candidate of Pedagogy, |
Bibliographic description |
Naumova O. S. Future Teachers’ Training for the Realization of Students’ Spiritual and Moral Upbringing on the Basis of Patriotic Traditions // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 13–19. |
Section |
37 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The author of the article accentuates the principle of K. D. Ushinsky, the founder of Russian Pedagogics, i.e. the principle of nationality in the process of upbringing. Also we pay attention to the experience of the solution of spiritual and moral upbringing in the history of Russian Pedagogics. The knowledge of your own country’s history, its heroes and traditions is an essential demand for the spiritual and moral formation of a personality. Modern scholars underline this aspect. In this connection, future teachers, the students of pedagogical institutions should be ready to transmit this knowledge and values into the process of pupils’ spiritual and moral upbringing under patriotic traditions. The research aimed on the study of the students’ outlook in pedagogical institutions has shown that they are not well – experienced in the historic events of their country, in the traditions of their nationality and that is why they are not well-prepared to the effective solution of educational problems. So, the author suggests her own experience in the organization and holding this round – table and shares its results.
Key words |
spiritual and moral upbringing, spirituality, morals, future teachers, the principle of nationality in education, traditions |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Future Teachers’ Training for the Realization of Students’ Spiritual and Moral Upbringing on the Basis of Patriotic Traditions |