Article |
Article name |
Connotative Lexis as an Educational Tool for Linguistic Identity Formation |
Authors |
Battalova Z.D. Assistant, Zaliya007@bk.ruDavletbaeva R.G. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Battalova Z. D., Davletbaeva R. G. Connotative Lexis as an Educational Tool for Linguistic Identity Formation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 46–54. |
Section |
81 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article covers the problem which is urgent nowadays, i. e. the formation of student’s linguistic identity during Russian language learning in educational establishments with native (not Russian) language by use of connotative lexis as one of the linguoculturological units. This article reveals the “linguistic identity” concept, defines the rule patterns (learning the language as a sign system, a sound pattern of objective reality, a necessity of verbal and communicative abilities’ development), principles among which the linguoculturological one (learning the language in conjunction with culture of native speaking nation) is the most important. This article shows and validates the important connotative lexis components (emotional-expressive, symbolic and meta-
phoric) and its ability to put features over other features, learning of which helps to get comprehensive knowledge of learned language in conjunction with culture of native speaking nation. This article also emphasizes the necessity of usage of linguoculturological vocabularies, particularly connotative vocabulary, the use of which will enrich the student’s lexical resource.
Key words |
connotative lexis, educational tool, linguistic identity formation, national conditionality, connotation components, emotional-expressive, symbolic and metaphoric connotation. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Connotative Lexis as an Educational Tool for Linguistic Identity Formation |