Article name Modern View of Teachers on Organization of Inclusive Educational Process at the University
Authors Kokhan S.T. Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor,
Pateyuk A.V. Doctor of Medicine, Professor,
Cheredayko A.A. Master Student,
Bibliographic description Kokhan S. T., Pateyuk A. V., Cheredayko A. A. Modern View of Teachers on Organization of Inclusive Educational Process at the University // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 5. PP. 107–113. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-107-113.
UDK 37.062.1
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-5-107-113
Article type
Annotation Results of the research on opinion of Transbaikal State University teachers about co-education of students with special health needs are presented in the article. Realization of the rights of the disabled people for higher education is accompanied by a number of the problems connected with reforming of education system and socio-political attitude towards the disabled people. There are social and psychological barriers both for students with special needs and for teachers of higher education institution who do not have special preparation for work in inclusive groups. For identification of the problems in educational process of inclusive education among the teaching staff of Transbaikal State University, 75 % of teachers (63 % of women and 12 % of men) took part in the survey. Results of the research have shown that, according to the teachers, society in general indifferently and ambiguously treats the disabled people. For the majority of the teachers questioned, communication with the disabled people has incidental character. Infrastructure of the university is still insufficiently prepared for enrollment of students with special needs. Teachers think that the disabled students need special textbooks, video records and other technical means for improvement of educational process. The university needs special sport equipment for the disabled people, creation of tolerant sociocultural environment, volunteers’ help to students with special needs. Moreover, social work with these students has to be carried out constantly. For inclusive education, it is necessary to provide additional training for teachers to learn how to work with the disabled people for the improvement of educational process.
Key words inclusive education, disabled students, teachers’ attitude
Article information
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