Article name Forming of Students’ Legal Culture in the Russian Pedagogical Heritage in the Second Half of the XIX century – turn of the XX century
Authors Karnauh N. . Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description Karnauh N. V. Forming of Students’ Legal Culture in the Russian Pedagogical Heritage in the Second Half of the XIX century – turn of the XX century // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 16–23. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-16-23.
UDK 378.126
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-16-23
Article type
Annotation The actuality of the research is that one of the main Russian problems is forming the younger generation`s legal consciousness, good behavior, proper pride, reverence for the other citizens and for the government. The effective decision of this problem is impossible without counting the native experience of the previous generations. The education of Russian citizen must be based on the traditional bases of the native education and intellectual culture development. This article is devoted to the historic-pedagogical analysis of theoretical methods of the decision the problem of forming of students’ legal culture and experience of its implementation in Russian universities in the second half of the XIX century – turn of the XX century. The main methods of researching this problem are theoretical analysis of historic-pedagogical literature, magazines, archive recording; comparative-contrastive analysis of juridical and pedagogical literature according the topic of the research; arrangement of theoretical views to the problem of forming legal culture; content analysis. In this article the definition of term «students’ legal culture» is shown as a complex of legal consciousness, legal convictions, students’ good behavior in relevant law situations. This term is described in the culture-historical context in the second half of the XIX century – turn of the XX century. In pedagogical heritage of the second half of the XIX century – turn of the XX century a lot of theoretic knowledge and experience of this problem decision is accumulated. Now there is a need to objective assessment and evaluation of its value for that time and for modern system of native education as well. The materials of the article have practical relevance for the further research of the problem of forming the native legal culture in Russia.
Key words pedagogical heritage, personal culture, students’ legal culture, legal values, native legal tradition
Article information
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