Article name Development of Education in Russia in the Context of Historical Pedagogical Researches of the Beginning of 20-th century
Authors Levchenko O.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor, levchenkozip@
Bibliographic description Levchenko O. Yu. Development of Education in Russia in the Context of Historical Pedagogical Researches of the Beginning of 20-th Century // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 24–30. DOI: 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-24-30.
UDK 373(091)
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2018-13-5-24-30
Article type
Annotation The most important place in the structure of professional pedagogical education belongs to the history of pedagogy, designed to study the genesis of pedagogical knowledge and development of educational practice. The article presents a historiographic review of domestic historical and pedagogical studies dated to the beginning of the 20th century. The presented studies cover a wide range of issues connected with the formation and development of domestic general and vocational education. The beginning of XX century is characterized by the increasing in the number of publications of historical and pedagogical subjects, expansion of the range of issues, qualitative growth of scientific and pedagogical knowledge, formation of theoretical foundations of the history of pedagogy as a science. Extensive problem field of historical and pedagogical researches and deep analysis of the source base had led to the appearance of the first works of a generalizing nature (N. F. Bunakov, P. F. Kapterev, S. V. Rozhdestvensky, N. V. Chekhov, etc.), in which the dynamics of the formation and development of the national education system are traced. There are some studies examining the activity of certain types of educational institutions that functioned during this period (Ya. V. Abramov, S. I. Miropolsky, etc.) in historical retrospective. The works evaluating the contribution of the public and prominent domestic teachers to the development of public education were a new phenomenon in historical and pedagogical literature. The importance of historical and pedagogical works of the beginning of the twentieth century is determined by the fact that they contain valuable pedagogical ideas, which, being rethought in the aspect of actual problems of the present, can be adopted by modern teachers.
Key words historical and pedagogical source, genesis of pedagogical knowledge, history of pedagogic, pedagogical heritage, foreign language
Article information
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Full articleDevelopment of Education in Russia in the Context of Historical Pedagogical Researches of the Beginning of 20-th century