Article |
Article name |
“We Remember the Past Days...” (to the 75th Anniversary of the Department of Pedagogy, ChGPI – ZabGGPU – ZabGU) |
Authors |
Klimenko T.K. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, klimenko_tk@mail.ruKlimova L.F. Head of Higher School Pedagogy Study-room, klimenko_tk@mail.ruRogova A.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, av-rogova1950@mail.ruErdyneeva K.G. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, eridan58@mail.r |
Bibliographic description |
Klimenko T. K., Klimova L. F., Rogova A. V., Erdyneeva K. G. “We Remember the Past Days...” (to the 75th Anniversary of the Department of Pedagogy, ChGPI – ZabGGPU – ZabGU // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 5. PP. 121–134. |
Section |
Scientific Life |
378(09)(571.55) |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article describes the genesis of the Pedagogy Department since its inception in
1943 until now; the most important stages of its formation are highlighted and their general characteristics are given. Organizational and managerial stage (40–60 years of ХХ century) – the staff was filled by qualified personnel who came to the Chita region from the Western universities. Stage of stable functioning (70–80s, beginning of the 90s. The twentieth century). The personnel of the department is replenished by graduates of Transbaikalians who prepared and defended their dissertations in the city of Moscow. Stage of renewal (Division, differentiation, integration) (1994–2013). This is a period of structural changes, into 4 departments: pedagogy, psychology, social work and special psychology. Innovative development stage (from 2013 to the present) is presented by internal (content and research activities of the department) and external (cooperation of the department with educational authorities of the Chita region – Transbaiakal region, educational and educational organizations, universities of the city, scientific and educational centers of Russia) contexts; shows the contribution of leading teachers of the department in its development; the importance of the department in the structure of the university (ChGPI – ZabGGPU – ZabGU) and innovative processes of the education system of the Trans-Baikal Territory is characterized.
Key words |
pedagogical education in Transbaikalia, departments of pedagogy, anniversary, stages of development, personals |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | “We Remember the Past Days...” (to the 75th Anniversary of the Department of Pedagogy, ChGPI – ZabGGPU – ZabGU) |