Article |
Article name |
Methodological Approaches, Principles and Directions of a Student’s Harmoniously Developed Personality Formation |
Authors |
Akhmedyanova A.K. Candidate of Philosophy, |
Bibliographic description |
Akhmedyanova A. Kh. Methodological Approaches, Principles and Directions of a Student’s Harmoniously Developed Personality Formation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 6. PP. 129–135. |
Section |
37.01 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In this article the author investigates the problem of a student’s harmoniously developed personality formation from the position of dialectical, anthropo-oriented, existential, humanistic, axiological, cultural approaches. In the process of the student’s personality harmonization in a multicultural environment, the author argues the necessity to introduce a new methodological approach – cross-cultural approach. This approach allows us to practice methods and principles focused on the student’s harmonious personality formation with a developed ethnic and civil identity. Today the cross-cultural approach is a new tool in creation of a cross-cultural personality, but the cross-cultural research is practiced quite actively in such sciences as anthropology, political science, psychology, sociology and Economics. An important component in the formation of a student’s harmoniously developed personality in cross-cultural environment is a developed cross-cultural dialogue, which involves not only the transfer of information from one ethnic culture to another, but also forms and develops feedback that can form a student’s cross-cultural literacy. Therefore, the cross-cultural approach is aimed at understanding the student’s personality as a culturally conditioned category, which under certain pedagogical conditions is able to interact, exchange, create a harmonious dialogue and can be formed as a new unique cross-cultural personality.
Key words |
harmoniously developed personality, methodological approaches, cross-cultural approach, cross-cultural dialogue, cross-cultural literacy |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Methodological Approaches, Principles and Directions of a Student’s Harmoniously Developed Personality Formation |