Annotation |
The relevance of a problem is caused by the requirements of state educational standard of
primary education to form modeling. The purpose of the article – justification of the conditions
necessary and sufficient to create modeling action as one of the universal educational actions, providing to school students an ability to study, ability to self-development and self-improvement. Achievement of the goal of our research is possible at the solution of the following tasks: to analyze the content of training in the fine arts and ways of its construction; to allocate the training methods allowing to form universal educational actions, in particular, modeling action. Some conditions of developing pupils’ modeling as one of universal educational activities are presented in the article. On the basis of the analysis of psychology and pedagogical literature on a research problem the author has allocated the conditions necessary for formation of the specified action. One of conditions is training for designing the content so that abstract knowledge develops exact knowledge. At the same time in educational syllabus, it is necessary to find genetically initial relation – private features of an object which can be reproduced in the training models allowing to study properties of an object. In the content “Fine arts” genetically initial concept is the concept “composition”. Formation modeling activity is performed through the educational task of compositions creation. An educational task – one specific task at which students solve all problems of this task class. At the same time they open general ways of compositions during modeling of composite schemes. An action of modeling is carried out by group of students whose interaction is organized as cooperation in training. The analysis of literature allowed us to allocate conditions which form universal educational action of modeling at younger schoolchildren: structuring educational contents from the general concepts to private, allocation of genetically initial relation, organization of educational cooperation at the solution of educational tasks, modeling of the composite schemes, aimed at finding general ways of graphic activity.
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