Article name Culturological Aspect of Professional Competence of the Teacher of Russian language of Multicultural (Polyethnical) School
Authors Mikheeva T.B. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Tazapchiyan R.M. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Ereshchenko M. . Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Mikheeva T. B., Ereshchenko M. V., Tazapchiyan R. M. Culturological Aspect of Professional Competence of the Teacher of Russian language of Multicultural (Polyethnical) School // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. РР. 32–39. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-32-39.
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 801.01
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-32-39
Article type
Annotation Educational environment of a multicultural school organizes professional activities of a teacher, influences and forms specific features of this activity and promotes development of teaching strategies. The authors consider the multicultural education as the process of ethnical, nation-wide and world culture acquisition for the purposes of intellectual enrichment, development of the planet-wide consciousness, and formation of the readiness and ability to live in the multicultural environment. The multicultural education aims to form a personality capable of active life in multinational and multicultural community, who can live in peace and quiet with people of various ethnic origins and religious confessions. The primary objectives of the multicultural education involve improvement of academic performance of various ethnic group representatives, intercultural collaboration and communication, mutual cultural enrichment, formation of student’s awareness of interethnic tolerance values. The article introduces the educational multicultural environment through description of a school with multi-ethnic student body and its functioning. The study was conducted using the following methods: method of modeling the pedagogical process, direct and indirect observation, analysis of diagnostic results of teachers and students. The task of training a teacher of a new type, designed to carry out professional activities in a multicultural society, with systemic knowledge of ethnopedagogy and the ability to interethnic dialogue, continued to be relevant. The issues of efficient teacher training at a multicultural school are solved at the level of postgraduate training, and the authors suggest several stages of consulting and modeling activities. The first stage stipulates a joint educational activity of a trainer from the professional training center and a school teacher, which involves content-related, procedure-related and diagnostic elements. The second stage involves building of a model of professional competence development for a multicultural school teacher. The third stage stipulates pilot introduction, distribution and implementation of new adaptive educational materials for multicultural school students in educational practice. The final stage involves analytical and forecasting activities, as well as efficiency analysis of methods of joint learning in the multicultural educational environment. Following the study results the authors collected qualitative data including teacher’s questionnaires, student’s recitations, observations, and samples of oral and written papers of school students. As a result, a set of recommendations to the teachers of Russian language has been formulated. Several recommendations related to the improving intercultural competence within the framework of the course training program for teachers.
Key words multicultural education, professional competence, intercultural communication, postgraduate training, russian language
Article information
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Full articleCulturological Aspect of Professional Competence of the Teacher of Russian language of Multicultural (Polyethnical) School