Article name Possibilities of Mental-Active Pedagogy in the Formation of Innovative Type of a Teacher’s Personality
Authors Levdanskaya Y.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Levdanskaya Yu.Yu. Possibilities of Mental-Active Pedagogy in the Formation of Innovative Type of a Teacher’s Personality // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. РР. 40–47. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-40-47.
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378.016
DOI Учёные зап иски ЗабГ У. 2019. Т ом 14, № 5 УДК 378.016 DOI:
Article type
Annotation The article actualizes the need to prepare future teachers as a super-technological, creative avantgarde with a new consciousness and thinking, able to overcome the general degradation trend. In this context, the main positions of mental-active pedagogy are summarized, continuing the traditions of the cultural-historical approach to the development of human behaviour and the psyche and developing educational technologies for working with the active content of education on the basis of Fichtean- Platonic ideas of philosophy, the theory of developing learning of V. V. Davydov and systematic mentalactive approach of G. P. Schedrovitsky. The author substantiates the possibilities of mental-active pedagogy in the formation of an innovative type of a teacher’s personality based on work with the activity content of education, the organization of collective thinking and the formation of mental-activity abilities (thinking, communication and acting, understanding and reflection), understood not as something given to a person by nature, but as cultural ways mastered by a person. The features of pedagogical work organization with students in the pattern of mental activity are shown on the example of the “problem” organization on the basis of the pedagogical history using the “rediscovering discoveries” principle and the achievement of the seminar’s objectives – the formation of the student’s personal knowledge, development of his own position in relation to the problem issue.
Key words innovative personality type, mental-active pedagogy, systematic mental-active approach, mental-active abilities
Article information
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Full articlePossibilities of Mental-Active Pedagogy in the Formation of Innovative Type of a Teacher’s Personality