Article name Teacher’s Readiness to Work with Gifted Children
Authors Volynchuk N.I. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Snegurova V.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor ,
Bibliographic description Volynchuk N. I., Snegurova V. I. Teacher’s Readiness to Work with Gifted Children // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2019. Vol. 14, No. 5. РР. 129–137. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-129- 137.
UDK 37.015.32
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2019-14-5-129-137
Article type
Annotation The article offers an interpretation of the concept of “teacher’s readiness to work with gifted children”. The relevance of the idea of preparing the teacher of “mass school” to work with children gifted in different activities is due to the importance of the development of each child studying in an educational organization, as well as the need to create an environment that allows to reveal the makings of each student in the most comfortable conditions for him. Analysis of the regulatory framework, as well as scientific research has shown that the problem of teacher training to work with gifted children was raised and solved in the aspect of the development of the identified talent at a deep subject level. This study emphasizes the importance of the «primary link» of work with gifted children, aimed at finding children with signs of giftedness, their motivation, the development of research positions, followed by the involvement of narrow-profile specialists for the maximum development of giftedness and achieving outstanding results. Taking into account the above, the teacher’s readiness to work with gifted children is considered in the unity of structural (motivational-value, cognitive, operational-activity, emotional-volitional) and functional components (functions – incentive, executive, regulatory). The selected components are characterized from the point of view of the above idea. A system of criteria and indicators has been developed to measure readiness levels. On the basis of acmeological approach the levels of readiness are revealed: highest, high, medium and low.
Key words gifted children, teacher training, teacher readiness to work with gifted children, research position, development of giftedness, readiness levels
Article information
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Full articleTeacher’s Readiness to Work with Gifted Children