Annotation |
The project activity and potential of the project activity of an additional education teacher of children
with disabilities is analyzed and presented in this article. In the process of socio-pedagogical
interaction the development and inclusion in the project activities of a teacher as well as a child take
place. Project activity of students is inextricably linked with the educational project. Project activity of
a teacher includes pedagogical design of educational process, project methodology, project method of
training and project technologies. Implementing in institutions of additional education project activities,
the teacher saturates his / her creativity, realizes their need for communication, creating and immersing
children and their parents in the educational community teacher – child with disabilities – parents
of a child with disabilities. In such an educational community, educational projects are implemented,
interpersonal and role relationships are manifested, the subjective position of both children and adults
is reflected, and a variety of activities is used. Mastering social roles contributes to the formation of the
team and the achievement of pedagogical goals for the education and development of such children.
The presented potential opportunities of project activity reflect the main goal of social and pedagogical
interaction of an additional education-adaptation teacher of children with disabilities in society.
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