Article name The Experience of Integration and Prospects for the Pedagogical Cluster Development in the System of Secondary Specialized and Higher Education of Students in the Specialty “Preschool Education”
Authors Dubeshka N.G. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Dubeshka N. G. The Experience of Integration and Prospects for the Pedagogical Cluster Development in the System of Secondary Specialized and Higher Education of Students in the Specialty “Preschool Education” // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 2. РР. 150–156. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-150-156.
UDK 378.1
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-2-150-156
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the relevance and necessity of providing educational services at two levels of vocational education (secondary specialized and Ist stage of higher education) of pedagogical staff of preschool education institutions in the education system of the Republic of Belarus in the current educational situation: socio-demographic and normative-legal conditionality of vocational education; possibility of creating a pedagogical cluster in institutions of secondary specialized education and institutions of higher education; curriculum integration trends; elimination of duplication in the content and forms of the educational process organization in order to increase the motivation of students’ educational activities who study for the specialty “Preschool education”. A number of factors affect the increase in the motivation of college graduates to continue their professional education at the university: teachers with higher education have broader conditions for the implementation of professional activities in a preschool education institution; training according to integrated curricula in a shorter time frame is provided, and the cost of training is slightly lower; ability to participate in the educational process remotely, etc. The pedagogical cluster ensures not only continuity in the content of education at two levels of the education system, but also enriches the pedagogy of higher education with new forms, methods and technologies of working with students in the context of implementing the principles of cooperation pedagogy.
Key words preschool education, secondary specialized and higher education, vocational education, pedagogical cluster, integration of curricula and programs, distance learning
Article information
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Full articleThe Experience of Integration and Prospects for the Pedagogical Cluster Development in the System of Secondary Specialized and Higher Education of Students in the Specialty “Preschool Education”