Article name The State of Anxiety as a Significant Factor in the Formation of the Style of Educational Activity of Younger Schoolchildren
Authors Simatova O.B. Candidate of Psychology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description Simatova O. B. The State of Anxiety as a Significant Factor in the Formation of the Style of Educational Activity of Younger Schoolchildren // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2022. Vol. 17, no. 4. PP. 104–115. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-104-115.
UDK 159.99
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2022-17-4-104-115
Article type Original article
Annotation The scientific relevance and social significance of the problem of anxiety in schoolchildren are determined by the maladaptation nature of its manifestations, the disintegration of educational activity under its anxiety, as well as the existence of the phenomenon of its “secondary benefit” for adult participants in the educational process. The aim of the study is to study anxiety in younger schoolchildren with different styles of educational activity according to the criterion of autonomy-dependence. The study has been conducted using the methods of expert survey and psychodiagnostic testing, in which appropriate reliable and valid psychodiagnostic techniques were used. The results of the study have been subjected to qualitative, substantive and quantitative analysis. The results’ analysis of an empirical study suggests the presence of certain features of manifestations of school anxiety, concerning the level of its severity and qualitative originality in younger schoolchildren with autonomous and dependent styles of educational activity. The results of the study indicate that in the presence of a high state of anxiety and a wide range of experiences in younger schoolchildren, there is a high probability of forming a dependent style of educational activity. This requires the need to develop and implement a competent psychological and pedagogical impact aimed at preventing and optimizing the anxiety of younger schoolchildren at the early stages of its development. Teachers need to take into account that their own personal and professional destructions can have a significant impact on the mental and psychological health of students. Thus, in the context of mastering educational activities, schoolchildren’s anxiety is an important factor in its adequate formation, effective regulation and productivity.
Key words anxiety of schoolchildren, educational activity, autonomous style of educational activity, dependent style of educational activity, qualitative originality of school anxiety
Article information
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Full articleThe State of Anxiety as a Significant Factor in the Formation of the Style of Educational Activity of Younger Schoolchildren