Article name Basic Approaches to the Organization of a Multicultural Environment in Pre-School Institutions of Vietnam
Authors Onishchenko E.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Nguyen Thi Lan Vi .. postgraduate, Lanvyherzen@
Bibliographic description Onishchenko E. V., Nguyen Thi Lan Vy. Basic Approaches to the Organization of a Multicultural Environment in Pre-School Institutions of Vietnam // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. Р. 31–40. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-31-40.
UDK 373.24
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-31-40
Article type Original article
Annotation The article presents an assessment of the principle of polyculturalism and features of its implementation in pre-school education in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (hereinafter SRV). The author’s interpretation of the term multicultural environment and features of its organization is given. The article describes potential levels of provision by teachers of work with children of pre-school age in a specially organized educational environment, which meets the leading criteria of the phenomenon of polyculture. At the same time, the authors present features of the design of the appropriate educational space for work on the upbringing and development of the qualities of a citizen in a child; ready to actively integrate and present the ethnic identity of a certain people, taking into account the national specificity of small nationalities living in the conditions of the Vietnamese State. The article presents modern approaches to the interpretation of the essence of the multicultural environment in the conditions of functioning of Vietnamese kindergartens, as well as their interpretation from the point of view of determining the future prospects of work to solve the declared scientific problem. As the main methods of research, the authors used retrospective and comparative analysis of normative documentation and scientific sources related to the characteristic of the educational space in the conditions of the practice of pre-school institutions of this State. The results of the analysis can be used in the training of future pre-school workers in order to develop their understanding of the features of modernization of the Vietnamese pre-school system in modern conditions. The novelty of such scientific information is due to the fact that it is offered from the point of view of assessing the possibilities of rethinking, adapting and recognizing the effectiveness of this experience, incl. in the context of analyzing the potential prospects for improving domestic teacher.
Key words pre-school education, pre-school educational organization, comparative analysis, educational space, multicultural educational environment, the principle of polyculturalism/megaculturalism
Article information
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Full articleBasic Approaches to the Organization of a Multicultural Environment in Pre-School Institutions of Vietnam