Article name Artistic Experimentation of Older Preschoolers: Approaches to the Study and Design of Pedagogical Support
Authors Verbenets A.M. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Verbenets A. M. Artistic Experimentation of Older Preschoolers: Approaches to the Study and Design of Pedagogical Support // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 3. Р. 92–101. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-92-101.
UDK 37.01
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-3-92-101
Article type Original article
Annotation The problem of mastering experimentation in visual activity by senior preschoolers is relevant in the light of clarifying the directions of artistic development in the context of the Federal Educational Program of Preschool Education, insufficient factual study of the phenomenon of artistic experimentation, empiricism and “didacticism” in determining the methods of its accompaniment. The purpose of the study is to justify approaches to designing the development of artistic experimentation in children 6–7 years old based on the study of its features and originality. The article attempts to specify the concept in the light of the ideas of modern art education (development of combinatorial and artistic abilities); the idea of the similarity of the three directions of experimentation (“research”: the search for the possibilities of pictorial materials; “combinatorial”: the study of expressiveness, “creative”: solving the creative problem of creating an expressive image), which constitutes elements of novelty. Empirical study has obtained two groups of results. “Research” results: on the basis of stating data (when using observation, diagnostic tasks), the features and originality of artistic experimentation of children 6–7 years old (“indicative” and “procedural” nature, connection with the development of artistic abilities, cognitive skills; activation by visual means); dominance of personal manifestations over activity and productive ones; different “strategies” – children’s actions in experimentation. “Design” results: pedagogical conditions are formulated and an example of experimentation support technology is given. An invariant part of the work on the sequential enrichment of childhood experience is presented within the framework of 3 areas of experimentation; a variable part focused on the achievements and deficits of children (through targeted support techniques). Examples of the focus of educational situations are given; sequence algorithm in mastering different drawing techniques, providing interiorize examples of the focus of educational situations; sequence algorithm in mastering different drawing techniques, providing interiorization of experience; options for supporting children are set based on typical difficulties and successes.
Key words artistic experimentation; children 6–7 years old; drawing; the originality of experimentation; pedagogical support
Article information
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Full articleArtistic Experimentation of Older Preschoolers: Approaches to the Study and Design of Pedagogical Support