Article name Fine Arts in Education for Sustainable Development
Authors Lytov M.S. Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Lytov M. S. Fine Arts in Education for Sustainable Development // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 1. Р. 53–60. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-1-53-60.
UDK 008 + 372.874
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-1-53-60
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevancy of the research is connected with the importance of the pedagogical community’s awareness of the need to include the ideas of sustainable development in the content of the common education system, on the one hand, and the insufficient research of the possibilities of the subject “Fine Arts” in solving this problem, on the other hand. The theoretical bases of education for sustainable development prioritize their philosophical, cultural, ecological, economic, sociological, pedagogical substantiation, while the significance of art education is still underestimated. The article substantiates the importance of art in education for sustainable development as a basis for transmitting moral, ethical and aesthetic values of the emerging culture of sustainable development to new generations. It is proved that the fine arts itself is at risk of disappearance and destruction of traditional artistic practices, barriers to the reproduction of the cultural artistic heritage of the peoples of Russia in the young generation. The analysis of the problems that arise in the teaching of fine arts related to the algorithmic cognitive sphere of children in the globalization of digitalization processes is presented. This inhibits the realization of natural innate cognitive abilities of a person. The necessity of changes in art education of the young generation is substantiated, which should affect not only the educational process, but also the structure, function, semantics of the teaching content to build value bridges between Human and Nature, past and future, global and local, mind and heart to achieve a general goal – the survival of mankind. It is concluded that the teaching of fine arts should become a necessary and integral component of education for sustainable development.
Key words education for sustainable development, visual arts, algorithmic cognitive culture, stereotypes, cultural and natural heritage
Article information
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