Article name The Results of the Introduction of a Pedagogical Model for the Professional Readiness Formation of Future Civil Servants for Innovation
Authors Provotorova N.V. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Provotorova N. V. The Results of the Introduction of a Pedagogical Model of Professional Readiness Formation of Future Civil Servants for Innovation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. P. 19–29. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-18-29.
Section Modern Pedagogy: Trends, Technologies and Innovations
UDK [378.011.3-151:37.018.4]-027.236-027.31
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-18-29
Article type Original article
Annotation Today, the issue of professional training of civil servants in the context of innovative public administration is acute. The effectiveness of the professional activity of civil servants in a situation of uncertainty depends on the level of formation of their professional readiness for innovation. The publication reveals the current problem of readiness formation for innovative activity as a result of training specialists in the field of public and municipal administration. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to substantiate the pedagogical model of professional readiness formation for innovative activities of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration and ways of its implementation in the educational process, as well as an analysis of the research results. The publication raises the issue of research on professional training and readiness for innovative activities of future civil servants. Research methods are as follows: methods of logical and empirical analysis, method of observation, testing, questioning, materials of modern Western and domestic authors. Based on numerous studies, the author’s definition of professional readiness for innovative activities of specialists in the field of public and municipal administration is offered. The article presents: a pedagogical model of the professional readiness formation for innovation of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration, a criterion-diagnostic apparatus for the study of professional readiness for innovation, as well as the results of the introduction of a pedagogical model for the formation of professional readiness for innovation of future civil servants. The results obtained allow the author to assert that the introduction of the proposed pedagogical model into the educational process has a positive effect on the level of professional readiness for innovative activities of future civil servants. There is a positive dynamics in the level of formation of professional readiness for innovative activity according to the specified criteria in both the control and experimental groups. Moreover, a significant increase in the studied indicators and their statistical reliability have been recorded only in the experimental group, which allows us to conclude about the effectiveness of the pedagogical model for the formation of professional readiness for innovative activities of future specialists in the field of public and municipal administration. The proposed pedagogical model can be used to train specialists of the appropriate profile in higher educational institutions, as well as in the system of additional education.
Key words professional training, innovative activity, professional readiness, future civil servant, public administration, pedagogical model of readiness formation
Article information
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