Article name Pedagogical Representation of Modern Childhood Image in the Context of Social Development Trends
Authors Shibanova N.M. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor,
Bibliographic description Shibanova N. M. Pedagogical Representation of Modern Childhood Image in the Context of Social Development Trends // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. P. 30–40. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-30-40.
Section Modern Pedagogy: Trends, Technologies and Innovations
UDK 37.013.76
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-30-40
Article type Original article
Annotation The research work is based on the statement about the all pedagogical activity systems necessity adaption to the new social reality of the sociocultural development of childhood and constructing a new educational reality in accordance with the authentic characteristics of modern childhood. The purpose of the research work is a pedagogical representation of modern childhood image in the context of trends of society development as a complex of dependent socially conditioned characteristics that determine the essential and at the same time dynamic characteristics of the modern generation of children. An applied aspects of the research are focused on substantiating the specifics of pedagogical activity, constructing a new educational and upbringing reality, taking into account the socially conditioned characteristics of modern childhood. The research work is based on the methodological provisions and sociocultural and interdisciplinary principles of approaches to the study of research main category. For the purposes of the research, general logical research methods are used (analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, analogy, modeling), methods of logical and methodological analysis of scientific concepts, methods of interpretation, methods of professional reflection, which ensured complexity, consistency, and integrity of the presentation of the subject of research. As a result of the research, the author presented a scientific substantiation of the image of modern childhood as a set of dependent socially conditioned characteristics in the context of such trends in the development of society as: informatization, digitalization, consumption, risk, uncertainty, value shift, defense of sovereignty. The pedagogical representation of modern childhood image has allowed the author not only to determine the main characteristics of modern childhood that are adequate to the social situation of development, but also to substantiate the necessity and expediency of revising the content and forms of pedagogical activity, interaction with children, in order to develop in children important prosocial personal qualities that meet the goals and values of society in the conditions of a new social reality and an uncertain future. The results obtained indicate the necessity for further research of childhood phenomenon. The materials and results of the research work can be used for the scientific development of childhood problems, educational methodology, as well as in the training and retraining of teaching staff.
Key words childhood, generation, image of modern childhood, trends in the development of society, pedagogical representation
Article information
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