Article name Modern Challenges and Strategies for the Development of Preschool Education
Authors Ulzytuyeva A.I. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Ulzytueva A. I. Modern Challenges and Strategies for the Preschool Education Development // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 2. Р. 106–117. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-106-117.
UDK 373.24
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-2-106-117
Article type Original article
Annotation The article discusses the modern problems of preschool education, the solution of which faces various challenges and requires innovative approaches. Such problems include new anatomical, physiological, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of preschoolers; search for new approaches aimed at improving the quality of preschool education; digitalization of preschool education; development of prerequisites for functional literacy in the educational process of a preschool educational organization, ensuring the transition Kindergarten-School period; organization of work with young children; Interaction with parents. When highlighting the identified problems, the author refers to regulatory documents of federal importance and relies on a systematic approach, the essence of which is seen in a deep study and analysis of all components of the preschool education system in order to identify the challenges facing preschool education, as well as the design of the educational process of a preschool educational organization, taking into account the interests of all subjects of educational relations. The author examines each problem, identifying its cause and presen­ting possible solutions, but goes into more detail on the problem of digitalization of preschool education. In the practical part, the results of a survey conducted among parents of children aged one to seven years on the topic of children’s use of various gadgets are presented. Of particular importance for the organization of educational activities of the kindergarten are the analysis of the survey data and the conclusions made by the author. The efforts of educational authorities, scientists, psychologists and teachers, as well as practicing teachers, are aimed at solving the identified problems of modern preschool education.
Key words preschool education, digitalization, early childhood, responsible parenting, prerequisites for functional literacy
Article information
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Full articleModern Challenges and Strategies for the Development of Preschool Education