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Media technologies are becoming an integral part of the modern educational process, offering new approaches to learning and interaction between students and teachers. Podcasting, as one of the most relevant media technology formats, is a valuable addition to traditional teaching methods. In recent years, podcasts have become an increasingly popular content format that can be effectively integrated into the learning process. The purpose of the study is to study the preferences of verbal teachers and students in relation to podcasting, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of using podcasts in literature lessons to increase the level of student involvement in the educational process. In accordance with this, the following research methods are used: a systematic analysis of scientific and methodological sources and the Russian Internet segment of podcasts; an analysis of methodological research and practical experience in teaching literature; a ascertaining experiment; an analysis of one’s own work experience at school; monitoring the activities of students, analyzing the results of their activities, diagnostic sections. In the course of an empirical study on the use of media technologies in the educational process, it is revealed that verbal teachers demonstrate a tendency to integrate a variety of media resources, including podcasts. Currently, there is a shortage of methodological developments on the use of podcasting in literature lessons in educational practice, in particular, concerning the mechanisms and strategies of its application. During the second stage of the study conducted among schoolchildren, a range of topics most interesting for teenagers in the podcast format is identified. In addition, both advantages and disadvantages of this type of content have been identified. In the article, the author describes examples of the use of podcasting in school literary education, as well as technological aspects related to the creation and distribution of podcasts. The article demonstrates the methodological potential of using podcasts by the example of integrating this tool into a literature lesson dedicated to the study of A. P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard” at the initial stage (settings for the perception of the text). The author of the article also identifies promising areas for further research on this topic.
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