Article name Formation of Students’ Regulatory Universal Learning Actions in Project Activities (on the Example of the Interdisciplinary Project Implementation within the Framework of the Regional Profile Shift “IQ-holidays”)
Authors Trofimova O.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Trofimova O. V. Formation of Students’ Regulatory Universal Learning Actions in Project Activities (on the Example of the Interdisciplinary Project Implementation within the Framework of the Regional Profile Shift “IQ-holidays”) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 4.  Р. 104–114. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-4-104-114.
Section Theory and Methodology of School Education
UDK 373
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-4-104-114
Article type Original article
Annotation Possession of various skills and abilities in project activities is a sign of a successful person in any profession of the 21st century. Modern society and the state expect active graduates from school, capable of designing in various fields, able to set goals, formulate tasks and achieve them, using step-by-step planning of their activities. Today, it is important that students of both basic and secondary schools master, first of all, regulatory universal learning activities related to design. To do this, the teacher must clearly understand the methodology for the formation of such universal learning activities. This is what determines the relevance of this article. The purpose of the work is to describe the methodology for the formation of regulatory universal learning activities in students, reflecting meta-subject learning outcomes, in the course of work on an interdisciplinary research project. The author uses theoretical research methods, such as analysis and generalization of pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of the research. Empirical research methods are also used, such as a survey, observation during the educational process, design and study of the product of schoolchildren’s project activities. The provisions of the system-activity approach, which is the leading one in the modern education system, have become the methodological basis of the study. The author describes the system of work on the formation of project-based regulatory universal learning activities and skills in students during the preparation and implementation of the interdisciplinary project “Unique Transbaikalia” by students within the framework of the regional profile shift “IQ-vacation”, held by the State Autonomous Institution of Additional Education Educational Center “Eureka” in June 2024 in a country camp on the shore of Lake Arakhley. The article describes the main ideas, methods and techniques for teaching students interdisciplinary project activities in line with the system-activity approach. The scientific novelty of the work is seen in the points of conjugation of two sciences – biology and philology, discovered by the project managers, an attempt at their practical integration and projection of this conjugation into the project activities of students.
Key words project activity, system-activity approach, integration, interdisciplinary project, regulatory universal learning activities, meta-subject result
Article information
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Full articleFormation of Students’ Regulatory Universal Learning Actions in Project Activities (on the Example of the Interdisciplinary Project Implementation within the Framework of the Regional Profile Shift “IQ-holidays”)