Article name Role of Alien Species Gmelinoides fasciatus in Food of Perch Perca Fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758 of Lake Arakhlei
Authors Gorlachev V.P.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 597.556.331.1
Article type
Annotation In the article materials on food of a perch are presented. It is shown, that from the 60s till now the food spectrum of a perch has strongly changed. There was a reduction of a share of fish food, and increase in consumption of a zooplankton and an alien species Gmelinoides fasciatus. Much attention is given to studying of a trophic role of an alien species. It is noticed that in seasonal aspect a perch consumes species of different size. Four dimensional groups G. fasciatus are the most often used by perch.
Key words perch, food, Gmelinoides fasciatus, lake Arakhlei, alien species, food spectrum.
Article information
Full articleRole of Alien Species Gmelinoides fasciatus in Food of Perch Perca Fluviatilis Linnaeus, 1758 of Lake Arakhlei