Article name Asymptotic Solution of Generalized Diffusion Equation of Fractional Order on Time
Authors Yumozhapova N.V. Postgraduate student of the Department of Physical Problems
Arkhincheev V.E.Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 539.219.3
Article type
Annotation The asymptotic behavior of solutions of fractional temporal equations, which have obtained at the descrip-tion of the diffusion in heterogeneous and porous media are investigated. It is shown that in the opposite of Gaussian solutions the obtained solutions are asymmetric in relation to coordinates X and Y.
Key words anomalous diffusion, equations of fractional order, Gaussian distributions, stable distributions, asymptotic solutions.
Article information
Full articleAsymptotic Solution of Generalized Diffusion Equation of Fractional Order on Time