Article name Primary Social Cell of Society in the Context of Sociology of Vitalism
Authors Grigorjev S.I.Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Education
Guslyakova L.G.Doctor of Sociology, Professor
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Annotation It was traditionally considered in classical sociology that a primary social cell of society is a family. Changes in modern society have defined the statement of a question on the character and the role of a primary social cell of modern society, interpretation of its classical and nonclassical definitions. The sociological vitalism considers «social micro-district of a person» as a stable dynamically changing and being reproduced social formation which kernel is the individual. The social micro-district of a person includes, besides the subject, also the environment of his/her existence (the social space which provides the individual with his/her life reproduction as social beings) and the variety of his/her communications with other elements of the society.
Key words primary social cell of society, sociology of vitalism, social protection, family, person, social micro-district of person.
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