Article name Bilingual Educational Space as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon
Authors Ulzytuyeva A.I.Candidate of Pedagogics, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK УДК 370. 008
Article type
Annotation The paper explores the problem of constructing a bilingual educational space, forming a developing environment and highlights the importance of social and cultural development of children in bilingual surroundings. The considered properties of educational space and the principles of bilingual educational environment are the foundation of social and cultural development of bilingual children. The author dwells upon such notions as bilingualism, culture, developing environment, educational space and describes some features of the development of children’s bilingualism.
Key words educational environment, bilingualism, developing environment, culture, socio-culture, socio-cultural development, cultural interaction
Article information
Full articleBilingual Educational Space as a Socio-Cultural Phenomenon