Article |
Article name |
National Priorities in the Education System of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan: Trends in the Introduction of Manas Studies and Innovation |
Authors |
Mukambetova A.S.Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Mukambetova A. S. National Priorities in the Education System of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan: Trends in the Introduction of Manas Studies and Innovation // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 101–109. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-101-109. |
Section |
0.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-101-109 |
378.147 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The purpose of the article is to describe the new requirements for teaching the discipline
“Manasology”. Objectives of the article: To present changes in the education system of Kyrgyzstan
in connection with the adoption in 2011 of the Law “On the epic «Manas»” and to describe new technologies
that can be used in the country’s education system with the introduction of the discipline
“Manasology”. The object of the research is the current situation in schools and universities of Kyrgyzstan,
the subject is the process of forming new teaching technologies and creating educational
literature. The educational community of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan takes into account a number
of teaching technologies tested in the world, the practical application of which includes the creation
of new educational literature. Among them: Technology of integrated learning; Case-technology;
Game technology; Technology workshops; Traditional technologies (classroom lesson system).
The first technology presupposes a special type of integrated lesson, combining familiarity with the
epic “Manas” simultaneously with other subjects while studying one topic. Disciplines of the auxiliary
cycle can be “National Literature”, “Kyrgyz Language”, “Oral Folk Art”, etc. The second technology
involves the use of educational, research and practical cases, their sources can be epic material:
“Manas”, “Semetey”, “Seytek”. The third technology for game therapy, communication games, art
therapy, fairy tale or myth therapy, technology of musical influence involves a direct appeal to the
heroic epic “Manas”. The fourth technology – a workshop of value orientations – introduces the
ideas of tolerance of all ethnic groups and interethnic harmony, covering the history, philosophy,
worldview and spiritual culture of the Kyrgyz, glorifying patriotism, friendship, freedom of spirit and
who played a creative role in the formation and strengthening of the Kyrgyz statehood, proclaimed
in article 1 “Law on the epic «Manas»”.
Key words |
national education system, law “On the epic «Manas»”, new teaching technologies,
individualization of subject teaching, heroic epic “Manas”, “Manasology” |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | National Priorities in the Education System of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan: Trends in the Introduction of Manas Studies and Innovation |