Article name Forming Health Culture as a Condition for the Students’ Self-realization
Authors Serezhnikova R.K.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Vorotilkina I.M.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, m-Liga@
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.013
Article type
Annotation Human health depends on the way of life. Personal lifestyle, aimed at preserving health, improves the functioning of the body, ability to work, tones the functional state of the body, improves immunity and adds positive emotions and satisfaction of the movement. The student’s lifestyle is an indication of his attitude towards his health as a personal value. A highly cultured person is able to realize the importance of his personal contribution to the preservation of his own health, avoiding various social problems such as bad habits, laziness, apathy, lack of material security, lack of psychological, cultural and social formedness of the students. The course “Health Culture” promotes the formation of the student’s specific knowledge, skills and methodical habits of health culture as well as the system of relations and views, combined by the logic of social values, perceived by the student as personal inner values or self-control.
Key words student, health culture, active lifestyle, self-control.
Article information
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