Article name Coping Behavior Features of Senior Pupils Taking into Account the Locus of Control
Authors Yakovleva S.A.graduate student
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.923
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of research on coping behavior features of senior pupils depending on the condition of subjective control. It is assumed that the locus of control (in a continuum “externality – internality”) influences the formation of the individual coping style. Confident in their ability to control negative circumstances, internals perceive stressful situations as an opportunity to test their strengths. Externals do not consider themselves responsible for their actions and prefer to endure difficulties obediently, without trying to change them. The study reveals that the external locus of control focuses senior pupils’ attention on the choice of unproductive coping resources. The internal locus contributes to the choice of coping style with a prevalence of productive coping strategies which promote successful socialization and adaptation of young people. Thus, the locus of control may act as a factor determining coping behavior.
Key words stressful situation, coping behavior, determination factors, internals, externals, coping style, coping strategies.
Article information
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