Article | |
Article name | Various Ways of the Solution of |f(x)|+|g(x)|>|f(x)+g(x)| Inequalities |
Authors | Dalinger V.A.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor Pustovit Y.A.postgraduate student |
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DOI | |
UDK | 371.3:512 |
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Annotation | The ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������topic «Equations and Inequalities Containing the Unknown with the Sign of the Module » is a compulsory basic element of the school program in Mathematics. Although the tasks in this topic are frequently met at the Mathematical Olympiads of various levels, at the Final State Exams for the pupils of the 9th form and at the Unified National Exams for the school-leavers, little attention is given to it in the course of Mathematics at school. This article is devoted to the inequalities containing the variable with the sign of the module, which is solved by some standard ways: the method of the successive opening of the modules, the graphical method; and some non-standard ways: the method of passing to the equivalent system, the method based on the application of the special rule. The knowledge, understanding and application of these methods when solving inequalities will help the pupils to systematize, enlarge and improve the knowledge connected with the absolute value. It will be also useful for teachers who prepare their pupils for the Final State Exam and the Unified State Exam in Mathematics. |
Key words | inequality, module, ways of the solution. |
Article information | |
References | 1. Dalinger V. A. Zadachi s moduljami: ucheb. posobie. Omsk: Amfora, 2010. 360 s. 2. Kalugina E. E. Uravnenija, soderzhawie znak modulja. M.: ILEKSA, 2010. 64 s. 3. Kolesova S. I. Uravnenija i neravenstva, soderzhawie moduli. EGJe. Matematika. M.: Azbuka-2000, 2010. 120 s. |
Full article | Various Ways of the Solution of |f(x)|+|g(x)|>|f(x)+g(x)| Inequalities |