Article name Species of the Genus Iris L. (Iridaceae) in the Flora of Eastern Transbaikalia
Authors Pershina N.A.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Korytkova E.P.Engineer, Department of Ornamental Plant Introduction
Bibliographic description
UDK 581.9 + 913 (Заб.)
Article type
Annotation The article presents materials on the wild species of the genus Iris L. found in the flora of eastern Transbaikalia. It provides some information on the introduction of the species in Zabaikalsky botanical garden. The species studied are of great importance as they have a great economic value being ornamental plants. 10 species of irises relating to 4 subgenera grow in the territory of еastern Transbaikalia. 5 species such as Iris ivanovae, I. laevigata, I. sanguine, I. tenuifolia and I. ventricosa are registered in the Red Book of Chita oblast and Aginsky Buryat autonomous okrug and in the List of Flora registered in the Red Book of Zabaikalsky krai. I. ventricosa is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Most species of irises flora of eastern Transbaikalia are adapted to steppe habitats, therefore they are more resistant to drought and low winter temperatures.
Key words Iris, ornamental plants, introduction, eastern Transbaikalia, Zabaikalsky botanicalgarden.
Article information
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Full articleSpecies of the Genus Iris L. (Iridaceae) in the Flora of Eastern Transbaikalia