Article name Plants as Indicators of Urban Environment Condition
Authors Yakushevskaya E.B.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Yakimova E.P.Candidate of Science (Biology) YakimovaEP@zabspu. ru
Bibliographic description
UDK 581.5
Article type
Annotation The paper presents the results of research of woody plants that are most widely used in Chita landscaping: Populus balsaminifera, Malus baccata, Ulmus pumila, Padus avium, Caragana arborescens, Crataegus sanguinea. We determined morphometric (size, weight, relative density, dispersion of leaves) and physiological (water content, fractional structure of water in the leaves) indicators that adequately describe the state of the woody plants. The studies in different ecosystems of Chita showed that the mass of leaves M. baccata, U. pumila and P. avium is in the range of 0.216–0.487 g; leaf area varies from 10.4 to 29.4 cm2 specific density of leaves is 0.0086–0.0640 g/cm2. The maximum total water content in all the studied areas in the leaves of U. pumila (104.0–149.0 %), the minimum is in the leaves of M. baccata (80.70–123.0 %), there is an intermediate position of P. avium (88.60–122.50 %). Water content of tissues and dominance of bound water in leaves of woody plants indicates the adaptation capabilities of the plants to the conditions of the urban environment. The data obtained can be used in biomonitoring of urban areas.
Key words phytomonitoring, woody plants, sustainability, urban environment, morphometric parameters, fractional structure of water.
Article information
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Full articlePlants as Indicators of Urban Environment Condition