Article name Language Picture of a Text as Reflection of Author’s Model of the World (Based on B. Akhmadulina’s Memoir Story Grandmother)
Authors Antsiferova N.B.Candidate of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 882
Article type
Annotation The article considers the language picture of the memoir story Grandmother by B. Akhmadulina. To emphasize and systematize the ways and methods of the text language space creation, the context analysis is used; a shuttle method is applied for distribution of the linguistic units in tiers with the subsequent redistribution in structure of graphic means of expression. Relevance of this work is that identification, description and systematization of the components of the author’s creative method allow one to define markers of individual style as a whole. The analysis and interpretation of the most indicative contexts allow drawing a conclusion: vertical metaphorization, occasional word usage and antonymous paradigm of the semantic filling are at the heart of the language picture of the story. The language structure of an image of the story-teller, whose archaic attitude defines the character of the text language space, is investigated. The ways and methods of the grandmother’s image creation are also paid attention to.
Key words vertical metaphorization, individual style, metaphorical periphrasis, occasional word group, metaphor of feelings, language picture of the world, language structure of an image, language space of the text.
Article information
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Full articleLanguage Picture of a Text as Reflection of Author’s Model of the World (Based on B. Akhmadulina’s Memoir Story Grandmother)