Article name Features of Microwave Properties of Ice with Salt Inclusions in the Temperature Range from −20◦ C to −190◦ C
Authors Shchegrina K.A.Postgraduate Student
Petrov O.I.Postgraduate Student
Krylov S.D.Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Reseacher
Bibliographic description
UDK 53.096
Article type
Annotation The research of the microwave properties of salty ice containing NaCl, Na2CO3 and natural ice from the ice lake Doroninskoye at temperatures ranging from −20◦ C to −190◦ C was carried out. We used the following techniques: dielectric measurement of ice samples placed in a waveguide at a frequency of 15 GHz, as well as measuring the radio thermal radiation of ice against a cloudless sky at 5 GHz, 13.5 GHz and 37.5 GHz. Dependences of the real ε′ and ε′′ imaginary parts of the relative permittivity of the samples of salted ice for the temperatures below −60◦ C were found for the first time. The temperature of freezing liquid in the pores of the salty ice was experimentally determined as −145◦ C.
Key words microwave spectroscopy, salty ice.
Article information
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Full articleFeatures of Microwave Properties of Ice with Salt Inclusions in the Temperature Range from −20◦ C to −190◦ C